About Ampliando Democracia


Ampliando Democracia (Broadening Democracy) is a project that promotes reflection on how to improve governance, public policies and democratic quality through deeper, more inclusive and stronger citizen participation. The results of this exercise are presented to public decision-makers as proposals for integrating citizen participation in the design of public policies and decision-making processes. It is an open and participatory project promoted by Political Watch and Deliberativa.

Ampliando Democracia aims to enable new and innovative forms of participation, which are already a reality at the international level and in our own regions and local administrations, to become a reality at the Spanish state level as well. We also want to raise the bar on the functioning, inclusiveness, transparency and accountability of existing participation mechanisms and tools.

We are aware of the experience that many organisations and collectives have in these matters and we want to take advantage of every ounce of experience, innovation and collective wisdom that exists in this field. We are not only interested in success stories. We are more interested in sharing learning, regardless of the final outcome.

That is why we want to promote Ampliando Democracia in a choral and joint way, facilitating alliances and synergies and incorporating as many contributions and perspectives as possible.


To map and disseminate the main advances and innovations in citizen participation at the  local, state and international level, as well as processes that provide opportunities to disseminate and propagate these findings.

To create spaces for meeting, work and debate where knowledge, ideas and experiences on participatory and deliberative processes in policy design and public decision-making can be produced and exchanged.

To generate a broad and diverse alliance of organisations, collectives, social movements and individuals who share the same sense of urgency and opportunity to move towards a more democratic, inclusive, effective and socially transformative public governance.

To articulate proposals for improvement and innovation in citizen participation and channel them to public authorities so that they can be institutionalised.